A lil Fall Sparkle

Fall has definitely arrived here... and I've got the perfect jumper for it! I just love the sparkly glitter stripes on the long sleeves! It even came with glittery shoes and hair bow too! And if it gets a little cooler, I can put on the sheer white stockings that's included!

My Outfit:
Baby Bubbles' Fall Sparkle in Cream: @ Woodland
::BB:: Fall Sparkle Jumper - Cream
::BB:: Fall Sparkle Flats - Coral
::BB:: Glitter Hairbow - Coral

Other credits:
Hair: Magika - Beans (Browns)
tiptoes - My Old Teddy - Brown
dust bunny . fairy house . brown

More about Fall Sparkle by Baby Bubbles:


Fitmesh jean jumper with coordinating glitter-stripped long-sleeve shirt
Fitmesh glitter flats
Adjustable mesh bow (unrigged with touch resizer)
BOM and TD HUD tights

4 Colors Available:
Cream, Coral, Green & Pink
You can even switch up the shoes for a different look it you want!  
Below, I a wearing the green shoes & bow from coral outfit with the cream jumper!
Pick them up today at Woodland - A Kid's Event!

Also available:

Outfit, Bows & Shoes!

Want to see more from baby Bubbles?

About the Event:
5th - 20th Every Month


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