Getting Ready for Camp

Getting ready for Camp French Fry!

Pose & Decor:
~Kauai Wave Poses~ Ann Pose #2  @THIMBLE
Texture Change Sleeping Bag Roll (Camp French Fry Welcome Pack)
Camp Flashlight (Camper) (Camp French Fry Welcome Pack)
Junk Food - Snack Pack Fries @ French Fry Hunt
Nuggets ! Holdable Phone

What I'm Wearing:
Hair: Wasabi - Kiwi Blond RARE
. tiptoes - Backyard Adventure Overalls V1 - FP Fit [ B ]
Nuggets - Star Nugget (given out at an activity)

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More about Ann Pose 2 by Kauai Wave Poses:
~ 5 Poseballs (TD/Bebe)
~ Probs included
 ~ copy/modi
The pose balls are Modify so you can push back and forth as you like.
Even the elements that are part of it can be edited and placed correctly.

Pick them up today at Thimble!

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More about the French Fry Hunt:
Chips, that wiley Raccoon Chips has stolen my french fries!
Ms. Latte needs your help to get them back! 

The Fries are located all over the Sim of Ketchup only! 67 Packs of Fries to find!
Prizes include silly freebies to full fatpacks from Junk Food's items

The hunt is running until August 10th! 
on the Ketchup Sim:

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