Ahhh!!! Spider!


Vivi and I were having fun looking for the perfect pumpkin over at Nuggets when all of a sudden she tried to give me a creepy 8 legger! Soooo glad she didn't throw it at me!

What I'm Wearing (left)
 TPT - Itsy Bitsy Spider Overalls
(100% donation to Treats for Tots thru October!)
♡ TPT - Pumpkin Keds (Colorful Keds Gacha)
♡ {Babysteps} Pumpkin Hat (Limted Lucky Letters board)

What Vivi is Wearing (right):
Itsy Bitsy -- Orange Halloween Dress and Bow
(Cove September 17 to October 31)
♡ TPT - Licorice Keds (Colorful Keds Gacha)

P.o.S.e -- Spider (pumpkin not included - vivi's poseball height was slightly adjusted to stand on a random pumpkin we found)

More about the overalls:
199$L 100% donated to Treat for Tots!!!
All lindens collected at Treat for Tots will benefit RL charity Toys for Tots!
Overalls and shirt are separate pieces!

More about the Pose:
By P.0.S.E. 69$L
includes: 2 poseballs (copy, mod) & Spider (copy. mod)


Part of The Nuggets Community, this special event features lots of amazing designers - each with at least one offering 100% donation to Treats for Tots. Treat for Tots donations will be donated to the RL charity from the US Marines known as Toys for Tots which provides toys and present to children whose parents cannot afford them. Come shop or simply donate to any of the kiosks found around the sim and help make Christmas a lil better for RL Kids!

Visit the The Cove 


Sept 17th - October 31st 2020!
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/350215452086129


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